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Since the responsibility of maintaining the Dancing Finger O Sarcasm Award now falls
on the shoulders of MTE, its seems fitting that a new intro be done up, right? I
dont know where to begin, but Ill tell you this: I cant just write an
intro for this thing thatll do it justice. This thing really stands on it own. So
Ill tell you about it.
The Dancing Finger O' Sarcasm began sometime this century. Considering most awards out
there really suck, it didn't matter if another joined the pack. Unfortunately, for the
rest, this one's better than the others. Not just because this is a biased opinion, but
because it is what represents. Sarcasm. Ridicule. Uncaring. There aren't many that can
boast the same
We havent changed the award or
the true spirit of T.D.F.O.S.A. With that said and done, I present to you The (not) New
and (never) Improved Dancing Finger O Sarcasm Award!
But there seems to be some resistance by certain Awardee's to display this fine animinated
gif on their pages (I can't imagine why...) Let's face it, this award is so meaningless
(and possibly despised), most of these people either don't know they have won this award, don't care or have forgotten. This award
business can really suck. (And if you think frames suck, click here. ) |